The Offerings

The Way of Joy - The Enlightenment


I, your God, offer you my endless love, a love that reaches through unending barriers.

I love you with every part of my being.

I offer this love with no restrictions.

In this love is found all.

There is nothing that is not touched by me and I offer it to you my beloved.

In joy you find me with huge quantities of love.

The Offerings

1.  There is no beauty to compare with the beauty of God.

2.  As God loves all He reaches out to embrace all.

3.  God's warmth changes all of our reality into clarity.

4.  God's clearing makes all clear.

5.  Clarity of love and caring by God is clear.  God's way leads to light, light that renders life clear.

6.  In God's light all is made clear.

7.  It is pure joy to float in the river of God.

8.  All that is basic for mankind is found in God's boundless clarity and love.

9.  God is our Source and Way.

10.  In the Source is found God's way.

11.  The way of God is the way of life.

12.  In the depth of God's love is seen the richness of God's care.

13.  From the depths to heights man goes hand and hand with God.

14.  God brings joy to the heart of mankind.

15.  To know God is to know all.

16.  God leads the way hand in hand through the dim and the bright.

17.  As God shows the light so too He shows His way of light.

18.  There is no ending of God's love.

19.  Out of the dark and into the light I am led by God.

20.  In the clearness of God's light I rejoice.

21.  My soul rejoices when it merges with God.

22.  Eternal wisdom comes directly from God.

23.  It is His wish that we learn all aspects of being.

24.  As we know more about all beings the greater the insight into the bountiful love of God.

25.  He comes through the starlit night to assure mankind that all will be well.

26.  The enlightened relationship with God's Goodness makes intimacy more sublime.

27.  God cherishes, nay, adores all of mankind.

28.  God extends His divine love as through His divine hand to assure mankind that all will be well.

29.  God wants all to be well and so felt by man.

30.  God is the fullness of life.

31.  In God's arms I rest my life.

32.  God sees all and rejoices.

33.  The one entity I cannot live without is God.