One appearance of God is that of a warm and supportive essence.
It is difficult to adequately emphasize the awakening and warmth that attach themselves to the vision - radiating in varied gold and silver rays. God fits well in the action as the source of caring and joy in interaction with humanity.
The human soul is in the center-most part of the universe and is unique to mankind. This glorious humanity, created by God shortly after the creation itself, serves as a mirror for the very essence of God.
In the fullness of time a split occurred caused by a negative element inherent in the nature of mankind.
It is time, in the fullness of time, amidst the confusion and destruction, to restore mankind to the full embrace of God, the Highest Power.
The return to the original relation between God and man is imperative and now. Too much damage has been eroded into the fabric of existence.
As humankind is a microcosm of the total universe's macrocosm, we turn to ourselves and the program put forward in this text. We turn to the stages of restoration for ourselves and the existence of mankind. We take our place once again as children of God.
If we could reach to the center of goodness, beauty, and joy, we would reach the sheer delight in God.
The merit of organized religion is seen in the extent each can bring one into contact with God.
Considering the vastness of the universe it would seem unlikely that earth is significant. To the great contrary, it is the center - God's fulfillment of His dearest wish. It is the model for the Universe.
To the extent that there is manifestation there is manifestation of God. God is present in all beings - human, animal, plant life, and mineral. There is no limit. Yet God is as close to us as our very breathing.
Everything we do must bring us closer to God. When we are filled with merit we are at the threshold of enlightenment.
The sheer joy of right action is sufficient in itself.
For the sake of the humans the care of the planet earth must be diligently and carefully maintained.
Throughout the path of our creation we have been provided masters, divine guides, to lead us into the way of the Highest Power. We have in part fallen from their example and teachings. Now is the time to gather their way, unite our way and add the divine grace and intimacy that will mantle us to the origin of our beings - the joining of our human souls in completeness with God as was the divine intent from the beginning of beginnings.
When earth and God meet and join they bring about the wonder of wonder. They bring about the Universe as it is meant to be. Nothing can stop the miracle.
The peace of God is the inheritance of humanity and the pattern for the Universe. It is intimate and unlimited.
All action and thought must be centered upon the present moment so that the past and future do not distract from the vital present. To live in the present is a great gift to and from the Supreme Being.
The peace and flow of the earth as promoted by humanity serves as the example for the Universe. The Universe in turn brings peace to the soul.
The wholeness of peace in the self blends the same throughout the Universe.
All of the physical contains elements of the Universe. Among all parts harmony and lightness are particularly important.