In the wholeness as originally intended all is possible.
As God loves and honors us so too do we honor and love the God in each other in like way and degree.
This is the jewel in the crown of knowing and living. It is the jewel that extends over to the caring of God's creatures and into the conservation of all creation.
Some areas of behavior are seen as so heinous as to appear unforgivable. But forgiveness is ultimately the attribute of God.
Rehabilitation for the most hideous acts may bring wholeness from desperation as it brings wholeness to the universe.
Since imposed death is in truth out of the consideration, confinement may be an option. It is important that the confined son or daughter of the universe be treated with appropriate care. Physical, psychological and spiritual needs with an eye toward rehabilitation must be met.
When the human male sperm meets with the human female egg an instant miracle occurs. A new child is born to the universe and God's family.
It is then left to the parents of the embryo and God's family to nurture this miracle from that time forward.
All sentient beings will have the gift of healing. It's simply a matter of acknowledging the presence of this power.
The same is true in receiving healing - being aware of the healing power of fellow children of God and the tremendous power of the universe.
The powerful symbolism of the table lies in its nature and its function. The table invites all humans as a place of home, sanctuary and action. There is a place at the table for all. We are all equals.
Nothing stands alone. All beings affect all other beings.
Awareness and subsequent action join forces to create anything that is imaginable and beneficial.
As the present text clearly shows, the relationship between humans and God begins before time and exists in the absolute.
Though flawed at one point, the great healing brings the relationship back to wholeness as originally intended.
In the care of God all is not just possible. It is confirmed.
The amazing thing about people is their goodness. It is the element to which God is so much attached. The continued action by humans , inspired by God, is to bring out this goodness. It is to reach this end that humans exist and results in wholeness of human nature.
Evil is the evidence of an unhealthy soul but is redeemable through the intent and action of good.
Nothing is of consequence when compared to the reality of God's good.
Time is quite simply a concept. It has evolved with humankind as a tool. True time is eternal with no beginning and no end. It is absolute.
Reality and its time are in the reality of now. It was in the beginning of now that mankind was created - a beautiful and loved being.
We as humans function in a flow of individual action. Our action inevitably causes reactions.
The key here is to take our intuition and its action to the place where our reaction does the most good.
All of our reality is bathed in bliss as long as we are open to it.
We dwell so much in growth and progress toward growth that we don't notice the joy that is round about us.
When we do reach the realization we are filled with joy and all that reaches to it.
We live to love and live in God in the everlasting now.
God is all that is good. All that is good is God.
The essence we all share as humans is to be at one with the Eternal.
It is true. "God's gift to us is life. What we do with it is our gift to God."
There is no such thing as divine retribution. God created us to sustain us in all respects. It is humbling to know we are attempting to follow God's example.
We seem to be obsessed with the completing of tasks. In truth there is no such thing as closure; rather, there is only progress to the eternal.