In the flow of the balanced universe God reflects humanity and humanity reflects God. This is the ultimate fact and truth.
The relationship is broad, personal, timeless - particular to God and a human's essence.
Human potential can be filled absolutely. As individual humans and humans as a whole we are capable of anything - there is no limit. We turn this potential toward the light and radiate as we reflect God.
True joy is the union of humankind with God. All aspects of joy lead to and from God's love.
The center of joy is felt in clarity, a lightness in true awareness. Every part is in perfect harmony and balance through the clarity and lightness of God.
We can be one with God.
The apex of man's being in all aspects is God's crowning glory.
His love is reciprocated by our love. The intensity of the relationship is as God would want it. All parts of existence point in this direction of harmonious dynamism.
Peace exists when all members abide in a state of balance and where their human attributes are allowed to develop and grow.
As we expand our awareness we enter into higher and higher realms of consciousness. As we experience The Way of Joy and permit it to be part of ourselves there is no limit to where we can move spiritually and cognitively.
Communication comes from the heart. Words are important when properly used, but words are only a fraction of the whole.
Communication originates from the soul and radiates from there into rays of light. A look, an embrace, a movement of the body as a whole - a thought, a wish - they all lead to human empathy.
All of existence calls for our embrace of true communications.
The masters throughout all history have taught that man is attracted to the good. When we digest this theme we see the truth therein.
Man is not attracted to pain of the body and spirit. Humans are drawn naturally to the perceived good.
And the latter is worthy of note. Humans enter any contact whatsoever with an almost inlaid set of perceptions that are acquired in life processes and are often labeled "set." - spiritual set, physical set and intellectual set. And sets will determine a human's reaction to any perception.
It is through the body of the spiritual path of union that helps each of us to develop clear perception - perception of light rather than darkness. Perception of God.
When all is said and done there are some things that don't matter at the moment. They neither contribute nor distract. It is the matter at hand that requires our attention.
All of our lives and all of our spiritual work must be rooted in attraction. This is simply so because promotion has been shown to be ineffective in the purpose and end.
We possess abundant psychological, spiritual and physical energies. But even these have limitations. Therefore we must conserve our energies so that we have always an abundance for the task at hand.
We must allow ourselves to be what we are meant to be.
Within the love of God there is no limit.
In the care of God all is assured.
Judgement is a base human quality. If we are to follow God's example we ourselves must be non-judgemental.
God exists in love and compassion to allow us to grow in our path with our gifts. It's God's great wish and design. Mirroring Him is our way and purpose.
In this pattern exists God's purpose and intent. All we need is to meet God and blend with Him. God's abundance, we will find, is limitless in all ways.
We can't react to what we "see" when we are not seeing.
Essential being must be seen as clearly as possible.
How can we react correctly if we see incorrectly?
God's love is beyond measure, beyond our comprehension. That's why God is in the ascended position in this relationship.
By far the greatest folly of all time perpetrated by man is rooted in prejudice. Beyond the false words and posturing lies the truth. All are equal. It dates from the beginning of time.
The major spiritual paths share equally in the blessings and ways showered from God to all humans.
This bonding makes all things positive and possible.
We are one from the many and many from the one.
God's grace is good for the entire universe.
As God is singular in being, so too are all. Such diversity in all lends richness to the fabric of humanness.
God pierces my heart as I pierce His in ecstasy never ending and with love and joy.