The Way of Joy​ is a fellowship of people who seek union with God as they understand God now and always.

Oh God!  Let it be so!  Let it be so!

The means to this end lie in the following components.

  • ​​We see and feel our powerlessness and the destruction in our lives and the world itself.  The pain becomes so great we finally turn to God, the source of all balance with the trust we might be brought to the joy of balance.

  • In light of this we study the traits and actions within ourselves and society which lead into and sustain our destructiveness.

  • At this point we totally and completely turn ourselves and our lives over to God knowing we have begun a new life and would sustain it.

  • Praying only for God's will for us and the ability to carry through with this totally we embrace with joy our new life.

  • Upon this new foundation we step forwards whole into our God-given new life and so bridge the gap we had created between God and ourselves.

The Way of Joy - The Enlightenment